Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day at the dotors

Well today starts my weekly OB visit. What this really means is that we are nearing the end of pregnancy and headed for the big day. It was very exciting well the thought not all the dotorish stuff. But I did have the pleasure of seeing our beautiful baby on ultrasound, we found out she is just a little over five pounds currently and looking very good. There is nothing quite like seeing that little heart beat on a video screen, it is truly amazing. It honestly feels like we were just having our first visit with the fertility office in Cincinnati, I can remember how anxious we were at the possibly of being pregnant. The staff at the office was so amazing. Things seemed to just fall into place from that first visit, a month and a half later we were staring at a small black dot on an ultrasound screen and after five heartbreaking years we were able to announce that we would be having a baby. The last 7-8 months have been a whirlwind of growing, and new experiences. I feel so blessed every time I feel a kick or a movement, I am going to miss that feeling the most. But, we are so ready to meet her. I think our families are too. (We are so grateful for all the love and support that our wonderful families have given us!)

We are on the countdown.....see ya soon Kylie.


Olive said...


aceofhats said...

a 5 pounder! Wowzers. It does totally feel like its flown by. I've been approximately 30-50 miles away for most of it so, you know, ppffffffttt! Klob that! Please aim for a weekend delivery so we can jet right down there and wait it out. Weekdays don't work into our schedule, although a Wednesday early evening might be ok. Brienne and I'll get back to you. :)